Sweden & Denmark

Wow ! A LOT has changed in this last year since my last post.

I have moved from Hong Kong and am happily settled into life in the English countryside.

I have graduated from University with a 2:1 in Law !


I fulfilled my goal to explore Sweden during the Midsummer festival this Summer. I visited Gothenburg and Stockholm !


We ate our body weight in froyo, and biked around getting pretty wet in the Midsummer RAIN ! IMG_6569IMG_6701IMG_6747

We also visited Denmark and abused the Selfie Stick!  A million selfie slater here are the favorites !

I also now have a real life job ! I am saving to move to Sydney with my University house mate Emily !

But in the mean time…my next european trip of the year – Paris !!! I need to get my planning hat on and GET EXCITED !

With Love,
