Going Blonde in Hong Kong

For just over a year now i have gone on a bleach detox and have totally grown the bleach out of my hair. In an effort to grow it and get it into a healthier condition. Alas, my hair has not grown. but it is MUCH healthier than before ! It was worth not dying it for a year !IMG_4221

I am 21 now, i feel ready and last night i had the overwhelming urge to dye my hair back blonde. – BUT Uh Oh !!  I’m in Hong Kong, the land where the polar opposite of my hair is the norm. I have fine blonde hair, and…well, they dont. I was terrified that after spending a whole year of my life getting my hair into a newly virgin state could potentially be wasted and i could be walking home with my hair in a plastic bag after letting locals touch it with whatever lethal products i assume they use to get their jet black hair bleach blonde.

I did my research and found out that if i wanted to go to a hairdressers with a good reputation with european hair, i would be paying big bucks for it. So, i bit the bullet and went ahead, i trolled through lots of websites and it seemed that the average price to pay for a full head of highlights (blonde) around here is about $2000 HKD ! (which is about £160…which is crazy i know, when i am used to paying about £70 back home.) But it had to be done.

I went to a place called ‘Paul Gerrard’ Salon, which was in Central on Pottinger Street. If you have fine european hair, and want to keep up your blonde highlights, i would 100% recommend this place. It is amazing.


The place is decorated in a really chilled almost bachelor pad style, the coffee they serve you are delicious and THE HIGHLIGHTS…The highlights i received  WERE SO FRICKING GOOD !!  I am in love with the color, it looks so natural. It is to die for. I had a lovely Greek man do my hair called Gabriel, he was so professional and had moved to Hong Kong from London, He was super friendly, and gave me the best color for my complexion.IMG_4209IMG_4220Photo on 10-02-2014 at 15.39

The salon was great, the staff were great, the price was …’ugh’, but worth it for the fantastic color. The only thing i was slightly disappointed with, which i didn’t really want to mention, but feel like i should. – I loved every minute of my experience at the Paul Gerrard Salon, UNTILL… it got to the blow dry time. I was ecstatic to see my hair with its new color, but  the hair dresser i got assigned to blow dry my hair was a serious let down, and left me feeling on a real low. Normally, when i get a blow dry, i expect them to use a brush…and not just blow dry it straight down to my face, with no kind of… effort. She made my hair look , limp and lack luster, and just flat. I actually told her at the end that i wasn’t happy with what she had done,and considering i paid for it, (it was only $160 HKD, which is not much, but when i have given my dog a better blow dry you know it is not good.) And then when i had to practically re-blow dry it all myself after the flat mess she left.  I was left feeling really deflated. And i am usually always smiling. (Heres an after shot of my looking rather deflated 😦 …you can see the color is AMAZING…but the blow dry i can give her no credit for because i did it myself, and tried to make the best of a bad situation.


From my personal experience – WOULD I GO BACK AGAIN ? For



Now i know my lovely hairdresser Greg if reading this will be very sad that i have dyed it because i PROMISED him i would wait untill i got back….I cant wait to be reunited with you – but i just couldn’t wait any longer !!

❤ – PS. Your still the best hairdresser  ❤
